D.A.V. Centenary Public School, Haldwani

Affiliated to CBSE, New Delhi 110055. Affiliation No. 3530055, School Code: 81062

Event Detail  
Harela celebration
Event Start Date : 19/07/2024 Event End Date 19/07/2024

The Harela celebration, which celebrates peace, wealth, and greenery, is rich in tradition and has significant cultural and environmental value. People offer their prayers and show gratitude to the divine for abundant crops and prosperity, it corresponds with the ceremonial observance of Shiva and Parvati's marriage. This day also marks the beginning of the planting season in agricultural fields and is lucky for farmers.Many days prior to the festival day, harela celebrations begins. People decorate their home with flowers and greenery.
DAV School Celebrated Harela by various performances.
Student's participated in kumaoni group dance and charged the atmosphere with melodious Kumaoni Songs.
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DAV Centenary Public School
P/O - Harinagar, Himmatpur Malla,
Kusumkhera, Haldwani,
District - Nainital, U.K. - 263139
Phone: 05946260584, 05946260351, 7505336910
E-mail Id: [email protected]

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