“Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.”
D.A.V has always remained an outstanding center of knowledge, culture and traditions while still retaining an unbroken link with its historical past. The paradoxical elements are reconciled in a higher synthesis: modern scientific bent of mind and tradition, self-expression and community life, law and liberty, freedom and discipline.
In this age of cut- throat competition, we make a constant effort to hone the capability of students to counter challenges by performance enhancement and giving an academic edge for facing challenge in the outside world. We aim at creating an educational environment to symbolize certain values that helps them achieve goals without disregarding deep rooted cultural ethos.
We incessantly strive to augment the capacities of our students by providing the best facilities and ensure that they come out with flying colours through their sterling performance and also maximizing their potential.